Reinforcing Activity FormPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4Participant's Name *FirstLastRACGP / ACRRM Number *Practice *Email *Thank you for attending the GP Urology Masterclass 2019. We trust you found this workshop enjoyable and valuable. Please complete the reinforcing activity to claim Continuing Development Points (CPD). We cannot upload relevant CPD points for the workshop until you have completed this survey. Your Certificate of Attendance will be posted once the survey is complete. By the end of the workshop participants should have improved:Develop a strong urologic clinical and basic science knowledge base that will allow you to choose the appropriate diagnostic tools and management for a specific urological problemIncreased awareness of the current treatment options available for a range of urological conditionsIncreased awareness of current concepts in a range of urological diseasesReinforce the “red flags” that should initiate action by the general practitionerDemonstrate effective clinical problem solving and judgement to address patient problems, including interpreting available data and integrating information to generate differential diagnoses and management plansNextAs a result of attending this workshop, what changes (if any) have you made to your practice? *NextHave you had the opportunity to put into practice any of the skills or knowledge gained from attending this workshop? *NextDo you have any comments or suggestions for future programs?Submit